What is Soul Loss? And What Causes it? Soul loss is when a part of one’s soul is fragmented or splits off, primarily because of trauma, but also for other reasons--empathy can also cause soul loss. The shamanic view is that the soul "fragments" or disconnects to protect you in the moment. Initially, a disconnect from the soul can be a temporary analgesic. But if we don’t reconnect with the soul soon after, these parts or fragments of the soul become lost. Over time, increasing disconnection from the soul results in ongoing issues like anxiety, depression, feeling empty, angry, aimless, purposeless, suicidal tendencies, exhaustion, immune deficiency issues, confusion, lack of clarity, numbness, feeling drained or dis-spirited.
Many mental illnesses also result from a disconnection with the soul, and talk therapy is often ineffective to help when not all parts are “at home.” Most mainstream therapies diagnose and prescribe for the metal or physical symptoms but don’t see the cause as a soul issue. What can cause soul loss? As mentioned, soul loss is generally caused by trauma, both acute trauma, such as abuse of any kind, as well as chronic stress that becomes trauma. Here’s a short bulleted list.
Abuse of any kind—sexual, physical, mental, emotional.
Prolonged stress
Moral injury
Prolonged fear and impotence against attacks
Intense rejection
Witnessing a sudden or shocking death
Witnessing violence
Deep seated addictions
Out of body/near death experiences
Drug use
Possession by evil spirits
Being in a close or entangled relationship that resulted in a loss of or giving away one’s personal power.
Long term repressed emotions
Too much empathy for another person can cause a fragment of the soul to split off and try to "help" them but in reality the giver is hurt and the other is not helped.
Though Soul Loss is a significant spiritual illness, it can be a gift in disguise if you believe that all things work together for one’s good. Soul loss and even soul theft, can send us on a search, of longing, transforming, and deepening that can lead us to wholeness and Home. What is Soul Retrieval? How is it done? Soul retrieval is an advanced Shamanic technique in which the shaman or guide helps to find, heal, and retrieve the fragmented parts of the soul or psyche. Where do these fragments go? There are differing viewpoints on this. The shamanic viewpoint is that the soul parts literally leave—they go to the spirit world or are held captive in other dimensions. The modern psychological perspective is that the soul remains whole but that part of the psyche (or mind) fragments and therefore needs to be re-integrated to wholeness. Whichever way you think of it, with an experienced guide, the psyche or soul parts are gathered, healed and integrated.
In my shamanic work I use helpers and guides from the realm of Jesus Christ, the master healer. In many cases the fragments are heavily guarded by guardians or monsters (or from the modern perspective, defenses of the mind) and this is why the fragmented person often cannot do the retrieval themselves but needs an experienced guide or facilitator to go with them. When was the last time you felt whole? When all parts of your soul are gathered, healed and reintegrated to wholeness people usually feel: • More grounded and “solid” • More like themself • A greater sense of purpose • More Alive! • More energy than they ever imagined • Lightness and joy • Deeper Sleep • A greater ease and motivation in overcoming addictions • Increased spiritual strength against attack. • More clarity of mind • More happiness and connection to the soul means more happiness and connection in other relationships • Mental health issues diminish or resolve • Physical health issues begin to resolve with the return of life force energy
Soul Retrieval - An Advanced Shamanic Workshop* Soul Retrieval Training is an online training that starts All Souls Day, November 1, 2022. This course will give you the skills necessary to facilitate soul retrieval for clients, loved ones and friends. We will explore the many aspects of soul loss, retrieval ceremonies, and how to use Angels and other helpers to safely and gently reintegrate all parts to wholeness.
Dates:Dec 7- February 28 with additional monthly support meetings to be scheduled.
Class type: Online: recorded and live sessions and practice. (The one hour weekly live demos will be scheduled to accommodate participant schedules. We can make it work in your schedule!)